Online Dojo – The Agile Landscape in Germany (Report)
Reflections from Berlin

Jan will join as a guest speaker. He also is German and has experience in Japan.
In this session, we’ll discuss:
– The current state of Agile and Management 3.0: How Agile practices are evolving in Germany, especially in response to shifting market demands and technological advancements.
– Societal and business trends: Insights into where business and society are heading. We’ll look at how companies are rethinking their strategies to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world.
For whom is this event
This event will offer a unique perspective on the intersection of Agile, business transformation, and societal shifts, making it valuable for anyone interested in future-proofing their work practices or staying ahead of emerging trends.
Time schedule
- 20:00〜20:05: Welcome
- 20:05〜20:15: Icebreak
- 20:15〜20:25: Trip to Germany report
- 20:25〜20:35: My experience in Germany: Challenges and Opportunities
- 20:35〜20:55: QA and Dialogue on the state of Agile
- 20:55〜21:00: Closing
About the Presenter
Stefan Nüsperling

Jan Wagener

杉山 久見子 (NuWorks) PR&運営

新卒で服飾資材を扱う専門商社に入社。 女性初の総合職(営業)として国内の服飾メーカーへのデザイン提案、カバン業界の新規開拓に携わり、新規顧客開拓賞を受賞。
国際Management 3.0ウェブサイト
Management 3.0の考案者のJurgen Appeloのウェブサイト
Jurgen Appeloの最新の本