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Management 3.0 Case: Transformative Team Engagement Training led to 8.5x Sales Surge at Big Bell (Otsuka)

In November 2021 we did a workshop Big Bell whose main business is an on-demand printing and document storage B2B business for large corporations. They contacted us to run an in-house team building workshop with the main goal of improving the lack of communication in the teams.
In this interactive in-house training, we used tools, games and practices from Management 3.0 and Lean Change Management to foster better interaction between the team members and create a healthier work environment.
After the workshop, the team experimented with the practices from the workshop and the sales increased 8.5 times compared to the previous month.

Big Bell – One-Stop Printing Solution Company

Big Bell on-demand serviceBig Bell, which is a sub-company of Otsuka and Suzue, specializes in providing high-quality printing, processing, and packaging services, particularly to the pharmaceutical industry. They have been in operation since 1989 and are focused on enhancing the quality of pharmaceutical pamphlets. Over the years, they have expanded their services in various industries besides pharmaceuticals and nowadays the product range covers over 3,500 items.
Big Bell’s commitment to quality and its comprehensive one-stop solution offerings make them a reliable choice for businesses which are seeking printing and processing offerings in Japan.
And as Big Bell is offering physical products, the teams are working together every day at the same warehouse in Tokyo.

Empowering Communication for Better Teamwork

Big Bell contacted us with the challenge that there was a lack of communication due to busy schedules and differing work routines in the teams. Those problems have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through reflection, they recognized the significance of clear messaging for making informed decisions. The management realized the importance of good interaction and teamwork for fostering a positive work environment and driving organizational success.
Our expertise in the field of worker happiness, Agile Leadership and Team Building with a proven track record of providing team building workshops to companies like NTT Communications, triggered the decision to contact us and invest in the workshop. Together we designed a training to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and innovation by promoting open dialogue, constructive feedback, and knowledge-sharing among employees.

Interactive Team Building Workshop

Team Building and Communication Workshop at Big Bell“It was great that it was not a training program that crammed a lot of theoretical information into your head, but instead it was an actionable workshop about gratitude, vulnerability and empathy,” said Wakamatsu-san.

Based on the client’s needs, we designed a workshop which focused on well-being, positive energy, motivation and engagement through fun exercises and practices. As those practices are simple yet powerful, the employees could take them back to their workplace and experiment with them further.
During the one-day in-person workshop at the client’s headquarters in Tokyo, the participants experienced activities such as Personal Maps and Moving Motivators. They learned about each other’s interests and motivations, how to conduct meetings, and how to communicate effectively. Everybody was pleased that they could share a lot of time and have fun during this seminar.
Despite this being their first training, participants were interested and engaged in the activities with smiles on their faces.

The Results were Stunning

Kudo Card at Big Bell”The fact that sales increased by 8.5 times in a single month was a pleasant surprise to everyone in the warehouse department,” said Akutsu-san.

Through the workshop, participants experienced the importance of communication and how to use it in their daily work. Team members mentioned that relationships have improved since the workshop and that communication has changed. Appreciation and supporting each other are now much more proactive. The entire team are working better together to achieve a significant increase in sales, even if they are very busy. Such a big culture shift was not expected from our client.
Furthermore, individual ideas, imagination, and understanding of self-worth are now promoted, and communication is revitalized. In particular, the KUDO cards, a Management 3.0 method for appreciation, have been widely introduced in the teams. It has contributed to the improvement of relationships, happiness and work efficiency within the company. And according to internal measurements, it has led to 8.5 times higher sales figures than the month before! This even impressed us and proved again the importance of a culture of gratitude and appreciation in the organisation.

Ready to Boost Productivity and Foster Stronger Collaboration within your Team?

Take the first step towards enhancing collaboration and productivity by reaching out to us! We are specialized in running workshops aimed at improving communication, well-being, Agile Management as well as creativity within organizations.

Contact us today for a free consultation tailored to your team’s needs. Our experienced team will work with you to understand your challenges and design a customized workshop that suits your objectives.

As a bonus, we’re offering a complimentary one-hour trial team building and communication workshop at your company to kickstart the transformation towards a better work culture!