Facilitation Case: Online Team-Building Workshop for New Recruits at NTT Communications

NTT Communications contacted NuWorks with the request to conduct a team-building workshop for their over 220 new company employees. As this workshop was conducted in 2020, the challenge was to do it online. The goal of the training was to give the newcomers a chance to get to know each other, create a team spirit and get used to collaborating in a remote environment.

The workshop design contained many games from Management 3.0 and we facilitated a deep dialogue to make it a highly interactive and enjoyable experience.


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Empowerment at NuWorks with the example of Kumiko’s 4 years anniversary

Time flies! Kumiko, our co-worker at NuWorks works now already for 4 years here.
When she joined my company in 2017 her tasks were quite limited. She was mainly doing translation of workshop material and website translations. But as the business of NuWorks grew also her responsibilities grew. Nowadays she is doing all the marketing of NuWorks, managing and organization of workshops, being involved in the business development activities and even running her own workshops now.
I am pretty sure that without her engagement NuWorks could not have become what it is today. And Management 3.0 would not as successful in Japan as it is now. Thank you, Kumiko! 🙂


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