Facilitation Case: How a Team-building workshop improved my Work at dSPACE

Today I am glad to share an interesting story about dSPACE, a German high-tech company operating in Japan. I am talking with Karsten Fischer, who is the Group Leader of two teams at dSPACE Japan. Karsten joined my Management 3.0 (Agile Leadership) and Lean Change Management workshop in November 2019. He started implementing Management 3.0 practices in his teams. At the beginning of this year, he approached NuWorks to organize a team-building, IKIGAI and vision-building workshop with his teams.
I am happy to share the interview with you.


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Moving Motivators – Extended Gameplay for Deeper Discussions about your Teams Motivations

In my previous blog post, I explained the Moving Motivators game. If you don’t know anything about it yet, read this first.

In a nutshell, Moving Motivators is a Management 3.0 card game that consists of 10 intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. It helps you to understand each others motivation. But not only that, I found it very useful to learn more about yourself as a kind of self-reflection.

I played it many times with a group of people or with individuals. Through some iterations and experimenting with it, I have developed an extended way of playing it, which I like to share with you.


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