Moving Motivators – Extended Gameplay for Deeper Discussions about your Teams Motivations

In my previous blog post, I explained the Moving Motivators game. If you don’t know anything about it yet, read this first.

In a nutshell, Moving Motivators is a Management 3.0 card game that consists of 10 intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. It helps you to understand each others motivation. But not only that, I found it very useful to learn more about yourself as a kind of self-reflection.

I played it many times with a group of people or with individuals. Through some iterations and experimenting with it, I have developed an extended way of playing it, which I like to share with you.


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Functional vs. Cross-Functional teams – Playing the Meddlers Game

  • How do we grow an organization?
  • How do we want to structure the company?
  • How do the teams interact with each other?

Those questions are crucial for the dynamics and performance of a company. Therefore Managers and Leaders need to think about the best organizational structure for their business. (more…)

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