What do you get up for in the morning?
What is the right job for you?
How can you make good use of your strengths in society?
What do you really want and what is necessary that it become reality?
This unique game helps you, or your clients, to find the answer to those questions.
The IKIGAI concept has been drawing attention in the world for several years. And this unique coaching game helps to ask the right questions to find the right direction for your life. The IKIGAI card game takes into account preferences, talents, skills and the realities of the market so you can make a balanced choice.
The IKIGAI card game can be played alone, in pairs for in a group of people. As a group of people has the best power to reflect on each other, we will explore together each others’ deep desire.
Let’s enjoy the game while learning about the background of the concept and finding your IKIGAI!
– Welcome & Icebreaker
– Introduction to IKIGAI: Why is finding your IKIGAI important?
– IKIGAI card game workshop
– Q&A, Networking
Stefan Nuesperling(ステファン・ニュースペリング)

Stefan is a trilingual (German, English, Japanese) IT-Professional with more than 10 years of experience in Project Leadership, Change Management, Facilitation and Management 3.0. He worked with multinational enterprises in the fields of Management as well as Agile Software Development in Japan, South Korea and Germany.
As a certified Scrum Master,the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and a Co-Owner of Management 3.0 he is keen on introducing Agile Leadership practices to Japanese organizations and believes that it will make their employees happier, the businesses more effective and customers more satisfied which is called “Sanpoyoshi” (benefit for all three stakeholders).

Jennifer Shinkai

I’m now an English / Japanese facilitator and certified coach, supporting my clients to create engaged teams in global business. I’m passionate about the infinite possibilities for innovation that an inclusive work environment can create. As a Points of You® Master Trainer, I’m also fortunate enough to have the tools to be able to create that environment in my workshops.
Akasaka Civic Center 4th meeting room1、 赤坂区民センター 港区赤坂四丁目18番13号 赤坂コミュニティーぷらざ内 4階 第一会議室