Share experiences about Management 3.0 online and connect with the community
Online workshop about Management 3.0.
You have learned about Management 30 and tried it out at work and with your team. Now it is time to get feedback from other Management 3.0 practitioner about their experience and opinion.
By sharing each others experience and opinion we can learn and grow and can use this knowledge for our next experiments.
In addition we will provide a small workshop of another Management 3.0 module in the second half of the online dojo.
Participants are people who have taken the Management 3.0 Two-Day workshop recently but also other Management 3.0 practitioner around Japan. Everybody is welcomed to join this group.
- Refreshing the Management 3.0 Workshop
- Introducing you experiments with Management 3.0 and getting feedback
- The Management 3.0 Plus Module [hire great people] in a short version
Stefan Nüsperling

As a certified Scrum Master,the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and a Co-Owner of Management 3.0 he is keen on introducing Agile Leadership practices to Japanese organizations and believes that it will make their employees happier, the businesses more effective and customers more satisfied which is called “Sanpoyoshi” (benefit for all three stakeholders).

Arnab Gupta

15 years of applying innovation & entrepreneurship to products, services, and business models. Practitioner & Coach of Agile, Lean Startup, Service Design methodologies.