Coaching Management 3.0 Transformation with LEAN CHANGE MANAGEMENT

Business Agility and Management 3.0 Change Management Workshop


As Change Agents and Agile Practitioners, we are always looking for new approaches to facilitate meaningful change, especially in today’s fast-paced environment.
This workshop is for everyone who wants to positively change his organization and needs answers to those questions:


    • How can you introduce Management 3.0 into your organization?


    • How to manage resistance by modifying the way of thinking about change?


    • How can you transform an organization in an Agile way?


    • How to reduce the uncertainty of change through short feedback cycles?


    • How to apply agile practices in complex Change Management programs?


    • How can you create trust and support within your organisation by being transparent and inclusive?




What you will learn

The world today is changing at fast pace all the time. Therefore it is necessary for today’s modern organizations and people to adapt quickly to those changes. Management 3.0 offers the mindset and tools for being a progressive and Agile Organisation with high motivated and happy workers.
Lean Change Management offers a very effective way of implementing Management 3.0 or any other mindset or framework into your company. This workshop gives you the right tools and know-how to successfully introduce positive change into your organisation.
You will learn how to deal with the complexity of change management, how to deal with resistance and how to support the people affected by the change. You will be introduced to extremely quick strategies for gathering insights about the current state of your change initiative and creating valuable options for the first steps. Those experiments will be run in a very Agile way and be transparent for the people affected which will create trust and support.
Furthermore, you will play the Management 3.0 Change Management Game, which will help you reflect on your change process and its pitfalls.


Lean Change Management is a feedback-driven, transparent and inclusive approach to change. It is designed for all those passionate to facilitate such meaningful and trust-building change into their organization. It has been developed by Jason Little and is used by companies worldwide. Based on Agile, Design Thinking, HR and Lean Start-Up, it helps you and your organisation to facilitate successful change in today’s complex world.
This workshop is designed to be delivered online and gives you a new perspective on how to manage change, even when you are working remotely.


This workshop is especially designed for

Executives, Managers and Team Leaders involved in an Organizational / Agile Transformation. Agile Coaches, Change Managers and Change Agents who are involved in or want to expand their knowledge with agile management of organizational transformations.



What previous attendees said about the workshop


“The Lean Change Management learning roadmap aligns with our fundamental belief in the power of agility across all levels and disciplines of an IT organization.” – Gary L., Vice President



「複数のバックグラウンドを持つ参加者から上手く対話を引き出して、効果的な学びへと繋げてくれたのが良かった。 」- Mitsuhiro K., Manager
(It was a really effective learning through the dialogue with the other participants from multiple backgrounds.)



「ユースケース紹介やエクササイズを通してわかりやすい説明をしていただきました。」 – Shinsuke H., Functional Manager
(The facilitator gave us an easy-to-understand explanation through use cases and exercises.)



“I experienced an awesome usage and recombination of existing, “classical change methods” combined in a fresh and inspiring way to plan and execute changes… the lean way. A lot of shared practical experiences, group discussion and great group exercises helped me to understand the Lean Change Management cycle. The workshop inspired me!” – Sebastian R., Agile Coach



Workshop Overview

With this workshop you expand your Change Toolkit and discover more practices to introduce change across your organizations. You will benefit from diverse group discussions, fun and engaging exercises which will deepen the learning.
This workshop is conducted in Japanese and completely online by using Zoom and many other online tools (for example Mural). Therefore a web camera and a good internet connection are required.
All sessions are recorded and can be played back for reference or when a session is missed.


Day 1 (6/30, 18:00-21:00): Lean Change Management and People in Change Management

Lean Change Management

We will explore why a new way of change management is needed by looking at the 4 States of Disruption. You will learn about the Lean Change Management cycle whichc offers you an Agile approach to Change Management. It helps you to introduce Management 3.0 in three easy steps: Gathering Insights, Generating Options, Running Experiments.



Hot Seat

The Hot Seat exercise helps you to gather insights about your Change very quickly and you can generate ideas for the next experiments by introducing option charts to classify ideas for the change. And by experiencing the Hot Seat exercise you will understand the difference between traditional linear change vs. modern feedback-driven change management.




As the last step in the Lean Change Management cycle we will talk about experiments. You will understand how to move away from change activities and move towards change experiments including good practices for communication, creating alignment and providing status information to change sponsors. You will create some experiments using the experiment tracker.



The people around the Change are affected differently. Therefore it is important to explore how different people respond to change differently and how you, the change agent, can navigate in this complex environment by understanding the Stacey Matrix and the Cynefin framework. You will create a force-field analysis and perspective mapping in order to handle different viewpoints in your organisation.


Day 2 (7/7, 18:00-21:00): Implementing Management 3.0 with Lean Change Management


We will explore how to use lightweight tools for change readiness, change lift-offs and ongoing facilitation of change. As Lean Change Management is a transparent approach, you and your team will create a change canvas in order to create trust in the people affected by the change.

Management 3.0 Change Agent Game

What does it take to change the world? How can you change a social complex system? It only takes 34 questions to find the answers. Questions make us take a step back, look inwards and delve into why we do what we do. Originally published in Jurgen Appelo’s, How to Change the World, the 90-page booklet is a fun way to share stories of successful change management processes. This game doesn’t give you answers. It raises questions. Why? Because questions force us to self-reflect. Questions make us dig deep and often into things that we don’t want to discuss or things that we’ve been avoiding or trying to ignore.



What you will get

  • 6 hours of extensive learning and diverse group dialogue
  • Management 3.0 Workshop Attendee Certificate
  • Lean Change Management Certificate
  • Access to all the course content and all modules
  • Support via Slack and in-module discussions
  • Free e-book – Lean Change Management by Jason Little


About the Facilitator

Stefan Nüsperling

Stefan is a IT-Professional with more than 10 years of experience in Project Leadership, Change Management, Facilitation and Management 3.0. He worked with multinational enterprises in the fields of Management as well as Agile Software Development in Japan, South Korea and Germany. As a certified Scrum Master, the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and the only licensed Lean Change Management Facilitator, he is keen on bringing positive change to Japanese organizations. He believes that employee happiness and meaningful businesses will result in service and products which customers will be satisfied with. This is called called “Sanpoyoshi“, which means benefit for all three stakeholders.


鹿嶋 康由 (Yasuyuki Kashima)

Former Top-Manager, Change Agent and Management 3.0 Licensed Facilitator Yasuyuki is an IT professionals with over 30 years of experience as Manager, change agent and facilitator. He worked in Geneva, Switzerland for two years on agile transformation projects and studying organization development. During that time he participated at a Management 3.0 workshop in London and became a Management 3.0 facilitator. Yasuyuki is keen on introducing an engaging environment for teams and people in organizations through an ecosystem where open innovation can happen. Furthermore, he introduces agile leadership practices to Japanese organizations to create a culture where worker happiness is easily possible for everyone.


    • Tax included
    • Minimum number of participants:4 people
    • 15% Group Discount (3 people or more)
    • Up to 50% Discount for Low-Income Groups (e.g. students)
    • A minimum of 3 participants are required for a workshop to proceed.
    • Refund Policy:
      • Until 6 weeks before the event = 100%
      • Until 4 weeks before the event = 50%
      • Until 2 weeks before the event = 25%


Please contact the organizer for discount prices.

We can also run this workshop in-house at your company.



June 30 @ 18:00 — July 7 @ 21:00
18:00 — 21:00

