Scrumfest Fukuoka Sharing Meeting and Reflection
The process of change of a team that achieved 8 times sales

Then please join the Management 3.0 Dojo. It is an open space for all kinds of discussion, so please feel free to join like-minded people!
Those who have never taken Management 3.0 and those who want to know about Management 3.0 are welcome!
Furthermore, we will have a get-together at a restaurant nearby after the event.
Scrumfest Fukuoka Sharing Meeting and Reflection
A business company that took its first Agile training transformed itself to eight times its sales in one year. What happened and how did they overcome the challenges?
Afterwards, the top management asked the section chiefs to embed the learnings from the training in the field.
Did the improved communication that could unite the team and overcome difficulties change motivation, habits, and a culture of never giving up, breaking through the silo fragmented state of Agile power? What happened and how were they overcome?
We overcame the difficulties of a simultaneous nationwide launch in the fall of 2022 and achieved an 8-fold increase in sales. What did we gain and what changed with Agile and Management 3.0? I will introduce the possibilities that we have.
In the second half of the session, we will have a review session with those who have recently participated in the face-to-face workshop. If you have time, please join us.
- 19:00 -19:20 Presentation
- 19:20 -20:25 Refrection and Lean Coffee(We create the discussion agenda together)
- 20:25 Closing
For Whom is this Event
- Those who are interested in learning more about storytelling
- Those who have taken Management 3.0 training in the past
- Those who want to refresh their knowledge
- Those who are interested in Management 3.0
- Those who are facing a challenge and want to have feedback
- Those who want to connect with change agents in Japan
Our Motivation
At NuWorks we value the relationships and connections we have with our ecosystem.
The event is not one-sided, but we aim to create a warm place where people can get to know each other.
We would be happy to welcome you and have a good time together.
Stefan Nüsperling (ステファン ニュースペリング )

鹿嶋 康由 (かしま やすゆき)

マネージャー、チェンジエージェント、ファシリテーターとして30年以上の経験を持つITプロフェッショナル。スイスのジュネーブで2年間、アジャイル変革プロジェクトに携わり、組織開発を学ぶ。その間、ロンドンで開催されたManagement 3.0のワークショップに参加し、Management 3.0のファシリテーターになる。 デジタル&ITトランスフォーメーションを含むオープンイノベーションが立ち上がるエコシステムを通じて人と組織のエンゲージメント環境デザインチームを創り、幸せな日本人を世界に輩出する、日本の組織にアジャイルリーダーシッププラクティスを導入することをライフワークに活動している。
NuWork G.K
国際Management 3.0 Website
Management 3.0の考案者のJurgen Appeloのウェブサイト
Jurgen Appeloの最新の本
Managing for Happiness at