HAPPY DAY EVENT☆国際幸福デーから考えるウェルビーイングな働き方
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グローバルな視野で「ハッピーな働き方」を考える あなたは「ハ…
It follows the systems thinking movement that 95 percent of the performance of an organization is the result of the whole system, not the individual.
Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better leadership across organizations.
This new Management 3.0 training is designed for Leaders who work with remote teams!
Learn the basics of Management 3.0 during this ten hours engaging online course. The Fundamentals Online Workshop contains the most valuable practices and modules related to Management 3.0 and Remote Leadership. By attending the workshop attendees will understand the basics of Management 3.0, and also how to manage remote teams.
This hands-on workshop offers best practices, tools and games which you can take back and use immediately to improve your:
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