Title: Management 3.0 – A New Approach (approximately 30 Min.) Location: Kashikaigishitsu Plaza 1-7-4 Yaesu Chuo-ku, Tokyo Topic: In this session, you will get an insight into how to manage the system, not the people. This is not only relevant for managers, but for everyone who is concerned about their organization. About the presenter: テーマ:「Management 3.0 – A New Approach」 Title:Agile Leadership and Management 3.0 Workshop Experience #1 Location: Base Point, Nishi-Shinjuku, Tokyo This event is about Agile Leadership and Management 3.0 Practises. In this workshop, you will get an insight into how to manage the system, not the people. This is not only relevant for managers, but for everyone who is concerned about their organization. Stefan gave a workshop about "How can we empower a self-organizing team?" テーマ:権限移譲 アジャイル・リーダーシップとマネジメント3.0についてのイベントです。
"The research is clear: happy workers are more productive workers.“ says the founder of Management 3.0, Jurgen Appelo.
Management 3.0 is a revolution in modern management, currently happening in 27 countries and redefining the definition of leadership with management as a responsibility of the group. It is the future of management, which is all about doing the right thing for your team, involving everyone in improving the system and fostering employee engagement.
Tokyo Business Meet Up is an Tokyo-based group for business people in Tokyo as well as any visitors from abroad wanting to connect with Tokyo business circles. Members are local business owners, people working at foreign capital and Japanese companies, entrepreneurs and students as well.
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Stefan is an IT professional who was a Project Manager before encountering Agile Methodologies and recently Management 3.0. He is keen on introducing Management 3.0 as well as Agile Leadership to companies and believes that it will make their employees happier.
Stefan is a certified Management 3.0 facilitator and licensed Scrum Master.
Visit Stefan's ProfileTokyo Business Meetupでマネジメント3.0についての発表
The goal of Agile Leadership and Management 3.0 is to help you grow and transform organizations into becoming great places to work. The event is created to share ideas and experiences from innovative organizations with modern management and leadership practices.
Agenda (1.5h)
Topic: Team Empowerment by Stefan Nüsperling
Self-organization can offer many answers when it comes to good management. Teams are able to self-organize, but this requires empowerment, authorization, and trust from management. You will learn how to make self-organization work, how to distribute authorization in an organization, the challenges of empowerment, how to grow relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributed control, such as the 7 levels of delegation, and delegation boards.
7:30 PMTokyo
About The Tokyo Business Meetup Group:
7:30 PM〒103-0028東京矢満登ビル
7:30 PMBase Point, Nishi-Shinjukum Tokyo
7:30 PMBase Point、〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿7丁目22-3