This Seminar is a taster session for Global facilitation workshop program “SPOTlight on Facilitation”. In this seminar, participants can know what “SPOTlight on Facilitation” looks like and experience one of sessions. What is required for global leaders? In order to encourage full participation and empower the performance of the diverse group, facilitation should be the key skill. Global facilitation workshop program “SPOTlight on Facilitation” is developed in Singapore and designed to enhance facilitation skill under the diverse situation in this global era.
Event Information:
Free Seminar Global Facilitation Workshop “SPOTlight on Facilitation in Japan” Taster Session
■You can know what “SPOTlight on Facilitation” looks like thorough a taster session
■Purpose of this seminar
☆Sign up and More information HERE!
This is a co-facilitatation event Knowledge Signs and NuWorks.
Let's have a great experience !
・Stefan Nüsperling CEO of NuWorks
・Hideyuki Yoshioka CEO of Knowledge Signs Co Ltd